If you are just starting out with your business and need to invest in business-grade email solutions, while also choosing a top quality office software suite, Office 365 is a great solution. When you choose Office 365 in Perth, Nerds 2 You can help you get the cloud software bookmarked, your email in place, and download the relevant software to any computers that need it.

If you are just starting out with your business and need to invest in business-grade email solutions, while also choosing a top quality office software suite, Office 365 is a great solution. When you choose Office 365 in Perth, Nerds 2 You can help you get the cloud software bookmarked, your email in place, and download the relevant software to any computers that need it. We can help you make sure that your business is ready to take advantage of the cloud computing and shared revision capabilities of Office 365.
One of the best benefits of Office 365 is that it works on both Mac and Windows laptops and desktops, all modern browsers, and both Android and Apple devices. If you work in a company where many people supply their own computing tools, but need to access central information, Office 365 can make that happen with just a few tweaks.

If you only need to use the browser version of Office 365, you can generally use it for free. If you want to download the software to use the more robust editing tools on a laptop, desktop, or mobile device, you will usually incur a yearly fee. But many users find the online tools more than enough for basic document, spreadsheet, and presentation creation. We will help you decide which version is right for you.
If you are ready to get Office 365 setup on your work or home computers, let Nerds 2 You walk you through the process. We want to make sure that you get exactly what you need, without overpaying. We will help you install software on as many devices as your chosen account allows and make sure everything is functioning smoothly. Contact us today to get started.
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