Protect Yourself! Cyber Security Is More Important Than Ever for Aussie Businesses

Every Australian business, no matter how large or how small, is at risk of becoming a target for Cybercrime. The implications of being a cybercrime statistic can range from disruption to your business through to financial loss, irrevocable breaches in confidentiality and damage to your reputation.

Figures show that over 50% of small to medium-sized businesses have experienced a cyberattack in recent years. Are you going to be one of those statistics?

What is cybercrime?

Before we give you advise on how to protect yourself from cybercrime, let’s look at what it actually is and what it involves.

The term cybercrime is used to describe criminal acts that are carried out via the internet and a computer system. While anyone, from your clients to your company personnel, can be involved in these kinds of acts, it’s most often initiated by either individuals or groups who want to profit from stealing your information, confidential data, identity or money.

As cybercrime becomes more sophisticated, businesses are increasingly susceptible to data theft and market disruption, disruption of infrastructure and incidents of espionage. So, as you can see, if you value your business you need to take steps to reduce the chance of becoming a victim of cybercrime, by safeguarding against the intentional or accidental breach of your systems and theft of your data.

What kind of data is at risk?

Put simply, no data is exempt from the risk of cyberattack although most criminals will be on the lookout for information that can be sold easily, such as customer details, financial records, employee details, business plans, sensitive and confidential legal data, design ideas and intellectual property.

How do cyberattacks take place?

Your computer and IT system can be infiltrated in a number of ways, from emails containing viruses to physical attacks by hackers who have the skills and knowledge to get into your system.  And, one of the most worrying aspects of cybercrime? It takes an average of 205 days to detect that a cyberattack has taken place. Can you imagine how much damage can happen to your business in that time?

So how can you protect YOUR business from becoming a victim of cybercrime?

Cybercrime is a global problem, and Australian businesses are just as vulnerable to attack as businesses elsewhere in the world. However, there are ways to protect yourself by following a few easy rules.

  • Create and implement robust security policies and measures
  • Always back up your data using either cloud or hosted storage, or a portable device.
  • Use encryption and passwords to protect valuable, confidential or sensitive data. This will prevent the information being accessed even if your hardware is taken.
  • Monitor computer usage by your personnel

Having robust cyber security measures in place will not only give you the peace of mind that your data is safe, but it will:

  • Reduce the amount of system downtime should you suffer an attack
  • Impede hacker access and their ability to access sensitive and valuable data
  • Protect the reputation of your company
  • Protect the integrity of your customers and personnel
  • Reduce financial losses and costs

Isn’t it time you made cyber security a priority?

If you feel that your business is at risk from cybercrime – and as you’ve already seen no business is exempt – you need to make implementing comprehensive cyber security measure one of your top priorities. If you don’t have the knowledge and skills in-house to put a solution in place, get in touch with reputable cyber security experts to help you to secure your business from attack.

Don’t let your business fall foul of computer hackers; protect your system, protect your data and protect your reputation.



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